Open the door and try to solve the riddle

My second is in birds, but not in trees. The third one is located in the doors but not in a hallway. The last one is the entire, but not all. I've gone through the sals quest manual, but it doesn't make sense. This is the guideline: Peer the Seer is just southwest of the market, and he wants you to solve the puzzle inside his home for his vote. Open the door and try to solve the riddle. Since each person gets an individual riddle, you need to figure it out by yourself, however they are relatively simple. Each line will give you two words. Each word contains a letter. Based on the riddle is, you'll need to spell the word. Go through the door, and then climb the ladder. Note: Possible answers to this riddle include "fire", "life", "mage", "mind", "time", "tree" and "wind". I'm currently hunting skeletal wyverns for slayer and i was wondering how you could slay them effectively. You don't have to spend 50k per kill and you are able to go for a restock. I used the same strategy as I use with iron or steel drags (but replace the anti-drag shield with elemental one): ahrims. I've tried the dragonfire pot but that didn't work against the breath weapon. It must also be a range weapon, as praying against it seemed to work. But there's not enough … Money isn't a problem as long as it is permanent items, no point in spending 50k on a kill. If you want to know more about RSorder, you can go to


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